Salem (Nahost Geographiemodell)

Der antike Name für Jerusalem auf Deutsch lautet “Jerusalem”.

Salem (Nahost Geographiemodell)

Salem is an ancient city referenced in the Book of Mormon as the land over which Melchizedek presided as king. This land, referred to simply as Salem, has been equated—through both ancient and modern interpretations—with the city of Jerusalem, which holds a significant place in religious history. Salem was notable for its inhabitants straying into iniquity and abomination, prompting Melchizedek, whose righteousness was esteemed, to establish peace and bring his people back to righteousness. In the Book of Mormon, Alma speaks of Melchizedek with reverence, acknowledging his exemplary priesthood leadership and his role in bringing peace to his people, who “had all gone astray; they were full of all manner of wickedness” (Alma 13:17). Melchizedek’s Salem stands out as an example of how a community can be transformed by the leadership and faith of a just ruler, as well as highlighting the significance of a city that has had a lasting impact on various faiths and cultures to the present day.

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