Nazareth (Nahost Geographiemodell)

Stadt, in der Christus seine Kindheit verbrachte

Nazareth (Nahost Geographiemodell)

Nazareth is depicted in the Book of Mormon as a city in the region of Galilee, notable as the setting of a visionary experience by Nephi1. During this vision, Nephi observes a virgin in the city of Nazareth, who is described as exceedingly fair and white, and she is identified as the mother of the Son of God (1 Nephi 11:13). The vision establishes Nazareth as the locale for the conception of Jesus Christ and highlights its significance in the narrative of Christ’s earthly life. While the Book of Mormon does not detail the physical characteristics or the day-to-day activities of Nazareth, it emphasizes the city’s spiritual importance through this prophetic vision received by Nephi1. The account in the Book of Mormon aligns with descriptions of Nazareth from the Bible, where it is recognized as the childhood home of Jesus Christ and the place where he was known as Jesus of Nazareth.

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