Stadt Mokum (BAUERNHOF Geographiemodell)

Stadt zerstört bei der Kreuzigung

Stadt Mokum (BAUERNHOF Geographiemodell)

The city of Mocum, known primarily from the account of its destruction, was one of the cities that suffered cataclysmic events at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As recorded, the Lord spoke from the heavens and declared that the city of Mocum, along with others, had been submerged by waters. This calamitous act was not merely a natural disaster but a direct consequence of the inhabitants’ wickedness and the blood of prophets and saints that had been shed within its confines. The covering of waters over Mocum served the purpose of hiding their iniquities from before the face of the Lord so that the cries of the martyrs would cease to stand as a witness against the people (3 Nephi 9:7). The destruction of Mocum signifies the gravity of divine retribution and acts as a sobering reminder of the fate that befalls societies that reject the prophets and engage in extreme wickedness.

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